Emotions Gone Berserk…Tears flooded your eyes as you attempted to finish your project at your work desk. You clutched the edge of your desk, startled by your own emotional breakdown.
Make the Best Use of Your Pharmacy VisitThis can be an uncomfortable appointment for many women because it involves talking about intimate, private details.
Deciding on a method of birth control isn’t always easy. A national survey conducted in 2014 found that out of the 52.2% of married Malaysian women, only 34.3%
Magazines and newspapers shout out confusing and, often, opposite facts about it. And your friends, cousins, even your yoga teacher— all seem to perpetuate this confusion surrounding, “the Pill”.
When you first consider using a birth control pill, it’s natural to have questions and thoughts about what it is, how it may affect you and if it is safe. It may even be
By definition, family planning is about deciding the desired number and age gaps of your children. One does so via the use of contraception such as abstinence, natural plan